DCSA Roles and Responsibilities for Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives
In accordance with DoDI 5100.76 and DoDM 5100.76, DCSA is responsible for assessing contractor compliance with the physical security requirements of sensitive AA&E U.S. contractors manufacture, test, store, or transport for the Department of Defense. DCSA meets these obligations by conducting pre-award surveys and annual inspections of contractor-owned, contractor-operated (COCO) facilities within the United States being considered for, or awarded DoD contracts for AA&E designated as sensitive, i.e. Security Risk Category (SRC) I, II, III or IV, AA&E.
DoDM 5100.76 assigns SRC level I-IV to sensitive conventional AA&E according to the risks involved with their relative utility, casualty or damage effect, adaptability, portability, or attractiveness to criminals or terrorists. Descriptions of each SRC (Enclosure 7) and the physical security requirements to safeguard sensitive AA&E (Enclosure 9) are found in DoDM 5100.76. Each SRC is assigned corresponding physical security safeguards to ensure the AA&E items are adequately accounted for and protected, lowering the risks of DoD’s sensitive AA&E being compromised, sabotaged, stolen, misused, or subject to an act of terrorism or subversion.
DFARs clause 252.223-7007 or its language must be included in DoD contracts involving sensitive AA&E at COCO facilities. This clause obligates the contractor to comply with the physical security standards of DoDM 5100.76, and obligates the contractor to allow DCSA, and other appropriate Government representative’s access to its facilities to conduct surveys, inspections, and investigations necessary to confirm compliance with the physical security requirements of the contract. It also obligates the contractor to notify DCSA of sensitive AA&E subcontracts issued.
Defense Contract Management Agency or Procuring Commands can request DCSA’s performance of a pre-award security survey. Pre-award survey requests should be sent to dcsa.quantico.dcsa.mbx.aae-survey@mail.mil. Additionally, questions regarding AA&E and DCSA’s roles and responsibilities can be sent to the above email address.
Relevant AA&E Policies
DoDM 5100.76
DoDI 5100.76
DoDD 5105.42
DoDM 5220.32 V1