The Adjudication and Vetting Services (AVS) handles all interim clearances. Interim eligibility will be issued only where facts and circumstances indicate access to classified information is clearly consistent with the national security interest of the United States. The interim eligibility is made concurrently with the initiation of the investigation and will generally remain in effect until an investigation is completed, at which time the applicant is considered for a final eligibility.
Eligibility Determinations
In accordance with Executive Order 12968, "Access to Classified Information," August 2, 1995, and Department of Defense (DoD) Regulation 5200.2- R, "Personnel Security Program," January 1987, an official Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) will be completed on the applicant so that a final determination can be made. Upon completion of the required investigation, a final security clearance determination will be made as quickly as possible and the FSO will be notified.
All applicants for a personnel security clearance submitted by a cleared contractor will be routinely considered for an interim eligibility. The Adjudication and Vetting Services (AVS) reviews the Questionnaire for National Security Position (SF 86) and other files and systems. The interim eligibility will be issued only where facts and circumstances indicate access to classified information is clearly consistent with the national security interest of the United States. The interim eligibility is made concurrently with the initiation of the investigation and will generally remain in effect until an investigation is completed, at which time the applicant is considered for a final eligibility.
The Defense Information System for Security (DISS) maintains DoD personnel security clearance eligibilities. Listed below are eligibilities with their definition for industry and the procedures for the FSO. When eligibility is changed, an Eligibility Change Notification is sent to any Security Management Office (SMO) with an active owning or servicing relationship with the individual's Person Categories.
Prior to indoctrinating access, the FSO should verify eligibility by viewing information contained in the Adjudication Summary. This will ensure the individual's eligibility supports the access. If there is a question on eligibility levels, contact the DoD Security Services Center for advice on appropriate definitions or procedures.