Upgrades/Downgrades RSIS & Reopens

When submitting forms for processing, DCSA requests that agencies ensure the date fields are written as MM/DD/2023, and avoid abbreviating as MM/DD/23.

Upgrade and Downgrade Requests

Upgrade/Downgrade/Case Service change requests are for pending investigations only (closed cases cannot be upgraded or downgraded). Requests must be submitted to DCSA's Correction Techs on the Upgrade Downgrade Request form (located in the 'Forms' folder in the NP2 Public Library) via fax (724-794-1469) or email (dcsa.boyers.dcsa.mbx.ctr-upgrade-downgrade@mail.mil).

Requests must contain the following information:

  • Agency Name

  • Agency Phone Number

  • Agency Authorized Requestor's Name

  • SOI or SON

  • Date that the Upgrade/Downgrade request is being made

  • Subject's Name

  • Case Number or e-QIP Request ID of the current pending investigation

  • Reason for Upgrade/Downgrade request

  • New case type requested and any changes that the new case type warrants within the Agency Use Block fields (i.e., Service Code, Access, Risk, Sensitivity)

  • Any other additional information needed to process the new investigation type

NOTE: You cannot upgrade or downgrade to an investigation type that may require a different Standard Form (SF) type. For example, you cannot upgrade an investigation that was submitted on an SF 85 to an investigation that requires an SF 86. Likewise, an investigation submitted on an SF 86 cannot be downgraded to an investigation that requires an SF 85. In scenarios like this, you would need to discontinue the first investigation, have the applicant fill out the correct Standard Form within e-QIP or NBIS and submit the new investigation request on the correct form.

Reimbursable Suitability/Security Investigations (RSIs) and Reopens

Reopen/RSI Status Questions can be directed to 878-274-5228. DCSA processes agency requests to reopen investigations and conduct Reimbursable Suitability/Security Investigations (RSIs). Previously closed investigations can be reopened for up to one year from initial closing which fail to meet requested coverage requirements. Previously discontinued investigations may only be reopened within four months from the date of discontinuance. An RSI can be requested in order to expand on issues or to obtain additional coverage where appropriate.

Agencies may submit their requests via the NP2 Secure Portal. If you have questions about the NP2 Secure Portal or questions on how to obtain an NP2 Secure Portal Account, please call Systems Access Liaison at 878-274-1171 (Option 1).

Reopen requests must be submitted on the DCSA 553. Additional guidance can be found on page 3 of the DCSA 553.

If the request is to reopen a Discontinued case, please provide:

  • Current Employer (name, address, city, state, zip, phone number)

  • Full physical work location

  • Dates of employment

  • Supervisor name and address

RSI requests must be submitted on the DCSA 554. (Additional guidance can be found on page 4 of the DCSA 554.)

Please note, if an agency requires only a National Agency Check, the cost to run these checks is significantly less in a Special Agreement Check (SAC) than an RSI. Therefore, if the type of check your agency needs is available as a SAC (see the SAC listing), you may want to request the SAC(s) via the hardcopy INV 86C or some SAC codes are available through the “Request a SAC” function in CVS. See the Federal Investigative Notices for the most current Billing FIN and prices.

Expedites for Deployments (Catch'em in CONUS)
The purpose of the Catch'em in CONUS program is to attempt to complete an interview with the subject that is going to deploy, or a subject that has been deployed, but will be stateside on leave for a limited time and requires an interview. We make every effort to interview the subject while he/she is stateside.

To expedite a subject interview due to the individual deploying or returning from deployment for a limited time, email the request to: dcsa.boyers.bi.mbx.catch-em-in-conus-team@mail.mil Please include the following information:

  • Subject's full name

  • NBIB case number, Social Security Number or e-QIP Request ID

  • Start and end date of subject's stateside availability

  • Stateside/leave location: Full address

  • Subject's home phone number

  • Subject's email address

  • POC/Facility Security Officer (FSO) name and phone number

  • Any additional pertinent information

For other questions or concerns, please see our Contact Us page.


DCSA 553
DCSA 554

Reopen/RSI Status Questions:
