DCSA Special Agents and contract Investigators carry credentials identifying them as representatives of DCSA. They will present their credentials when they introduce themselves to you or a reference, such as an employer or neighbor. If you or your references have any questions about an Agent’s/Investigator’s identity or status, contact DCSA Security via email or call the hotline.
The hotline is open Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern Time. You may leave a message outside of standard hours and we will get back to you on the next business day.
Please note: DCSA Security cannot confirm investigators from other local, state or federal agencies. We recommend that you ask that agency or investigator for further guidance. DCSA Security also cannot provide the status of your investigation or a copy of your background investigation. Contact the Privacy, Civil Liberties, and FOIA Office for the status of your investigation or to request a copy of the results.
How Investigators Will Contact You
Investigators conducting personnel security or suitability background investigations may call, email and text you to schedule interviews or gather more information after the initial interview. Additionally, investigators may host telephone interviews, per DCSA policy.
We use contractors to help support DCSA's mission. These contractors might outsource the work to subcontractors. Contractors and subcontractors must identify themselves with the contractor working with DCSA when contacting you. Sometimes, these contractors use email and online scheduling tools to help facilitate the investigations process. Our current contractors include:
Follow the steps above to email our DCSA Security or call the hotline if you are still unsure about the authenticity of a call, text, or email.
Report a Concern about DCSA Investigator
File a complaint with the DCSA Office of Inspector General Hotline if you have a concern or issue with a Special Agent or Investigator. The complaint may be about your investigation or someone else's.