DCSA announces release of NBIS product roadmap
DCSA recently announced that the Agency’s National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) Program Management Office is releasing its product roadmap to customers and stakeholders in the Defense industry and across the U.S. federal government.
Read the news release.
NBIS In Sync Newsletter Volume 3
The NBIS PMO is excited to share Volume 3 of the NBIS In Sync Newsletter. As a reminder, a new edition of the newsletter will be published after each major release.
NBIS In Sync Volume 3
NBIS Release 4.8
[November 7, 2024] The NBIS development team deployed Release 4.8 on November 7. This deployment adds enhanced capabilities for subject management, as described in the NBIS Release 4.8 Fact Sheet. For more details on capability updates, please visit the NBIS page in STEPP and/or the release notes accessible within eApp.
NBIS Release 4.8 Fact Sheet
NBIS modernization reaches acquisition milestone
On October 18, 2024, Dr. William LaPlante, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) and Decision Authority for the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) program signed an acquisition decision memorandum, which documents the way forward for the NBIS program and approves DCSA's plan for the NBIS digital transformation.
Read the news release.
NBIS Release 4.7.2
[September 13, 2024] The NBIS development team deployed Release 4.7.2 on September 11. This deployment adds enhanced capabilities for subject management and case initiation, as described in the NBIS Release 4.7.2 Fact Sheet. For more details on capability updates, please visit the NBIS page in STEPP and/or the release notes accessible within eApp.
NBIS Release 4.7.2 Fact Sheet
NBIS In Sync Newsletter Volume 2
The NBIS PMO is excited to share Volume 2 of the NBIS In Sync Newsletter. As a reminder, a new edition of the newsletter will be published after each major release.
NBIS In Sync Volume 2
NBIS Release 4.7
[July 2, 2024] The NBIS development team deployed Release 4.7 on July 2nd. This deployment adds enhanced capabilities for subject management and case initiation, as described in the NBIS Release 4.7 Fact Sheet. For more details on capability updates, please visit the NBIS page in STEPP and/or the release notes accessible within eApp.
NBIS Release 4.7 Fact Sheet
NBIS Release 4.6.5
[June 28, 2024] The NBIS development team deployed Release 4.6.5 on June 28th. This deployment adds enhanced capabilities for organization management and case initiation, as described in the NBIS Release 4.6.5 Fact Sheet. For more details on capability updates, please visit the NBIS page in STEPP and/or the release notes accessible within eApp.
Please note the following update regarding global expiration timers:
As part of a hotfix included in release 4.6.5, the issues identified with global expiration timer countdowns has been corrected. The hotfix ensures cases which pass the designated global timers will expire as intended. Currently, there are cases that may show a negative number of days until expiration; users can expect to see these being cleaned up over the course of a few days. Users should ensure that cases released to DCSA for a background investigation have not passed 120 days from the date of certification or the request will be returned unacceptable.
NBIS Release 4.6.5 Fact Sheet
NBIS In Sync Newsletter now available
The NBIS PMO is excited to share Volume 1 of the NBIS In Sync Newsletter. A new edition of the newsletter will be published after each major release. Vol. 1 follows NBIS Release 4.6, which entered production on March 28, 2024.
NBIS In Sync Volume 1
NBIS Release 4.6
[Apr. 1, 2024] The NBIS development team deployed Release 4.6 at the end of March 2024, which includes Releases 4.6, 4.6.1, and 4.6.3. This deployment adds enhanced capabilities for subject management and case initiation, as described in the NBIS Release 4.6 Fact Sheet. For more details on capability updates, please visit the NBIS page in STEPP and/or the release notes accessible within eApp.
NBIS Release 4.6 Fact Sheet
NBIS Release 4.5.2
[Jan. 11, 2024] The NBIS development team deployed Release 4.5.2 at the end of December 2023. This deployment adds enhanced capabilities for subject management and case initiation, as described in the NBIS Release 4.5.2 Fact Sheet. Upcoming Release 4.6 updates will be communicated near the end of this month. If you have any questions, please contact the NBIS FAST Inbox at: dcsa.meade.dcsa.mbx.nbis-pmo@mail.mil.
NBIS Fact Sheet
NBIS “Quick Link” Now Available
For Industry users that have already been granted access to the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS), a “quick link” is now available on the DCSA NBIS main page: https://www.dcsa.mil/Systems-Applications/National-Background-Investigation-Services-NBIS/. The quick link is available at the top of the page and is labeled, “NBIS Agency (for SSOs/FSOs)”. Once you click the link, it directs you to the NBIS portal in order to access the system.
In addition to the link on the NBIS main page, users are also encouraged to bookmark the NBIS portal page on their browser for fast and easy access.
For questions NBIS Industry Onboarding Process for Industry, please email the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team at the following mailbox: dcsa.meade.dcsa.mbx.nbis-pmo@mail.mil.
NBIS Industry Onboarding is now open for all organizations
As of January 9, onboarding to the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) is now open for all organizations. The NBIS Industry Onboarding Team has supplied email notification to all Defense Information System for Security (DISS) industry Account and Hierarchy Managers that onboarding to NBIS has begun. However, if you are an Account and Hierarchy Manager, and you or your other organization team members which hold the aforementioned DISS roles have not received notification, please reach out via email to the Industry Onboarding Team at the mailbox provided below to receive the instructions and details on how to begin.
Once onboarded, users should continue to utilize DISS for Case Initiation, Investigation Status, Visit Management, Subject Management, Eligibility Determinations, Incident Reporting, Access Management, and Foreign Travel, etc., until these functionalities are available in NBIS. Subject data has not yet migrated from DISS to NBIS. Notification will be provided when subject data has migrated and when case initiations can be started in NBIS. Do not create a subject’s profile or initiate cases until notification is received.
For questions regarding the NBIS Onboarding Process email the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team at the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team mailbox: dcsa.meade.dcsa.mbx.nbis-pmo@mail.mil.