FTS enables authorized users to submit electronic fingerprints images through DCSA to the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). It is designed to accept electronic fingerprint submissions from any FBI-approved LiveScan unit with DCSA-approved software that has been successfully tested by the user and authorized by DCSA for electronic submissions to DCSA. FTS utilizes a secure line or communications server to receive electronic submission from external agencies, send and receive updated information about a submission, as well as obtain the FBI responses for a submission. The results of the fingerprint images are sent back from FBI to FTS to process through DCSA systems where the investigative data is stored.
Agencies are strongly encouraged to submit fingerprints electronically; however, hard copy fingerprint cards are accepted by DCSA when electronic submissions are not feasible. DCSA scans the hard copy fingerprint cards to electronically transmit to CJIS.
Agency designated users may contact DCSA to request authorization to submit electronic fingerprints to DCSA. To obtain information on initiating an authorization request to submit electronic fingerprints to DCSA or updating/changing existing systems, users, you may contact DCSA at DCSAFTSTeam@mail.mil or 878-274-1171 option 2.
Guidance on fingerprint processing may be found on the Start a Background Investigation page.