DISS serves as the enterprise-wide solution for personnel security, suitability, and credentialing management for DoD military, civilian, and contractors. DISS replaced the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) as the System of Record on March 31, 2021. An innovative, web-based application, the platform provides secure communications between adjudicators, security officers, and components, allowing users to request, record, document, and identify personnel security actions. DISS will be an integral step toward the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) platform currently in development and full implementation of the government-wide policy to overhaul the personnel vetting process known as Trusted Workforce 2.0.
Planned System Outages
- Production Deployment of 13.24.0 - 06/20/2024
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 06/26/2024
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 07/24/2024
- Production full outage Oracle Patching - 07/31/2024
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 08/28/2024 18:00 to 23:00 EST
- Production Deployment of 13.25.0 - *08/29/2024 18:00 to 08/30/24 06:00 EST
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 09/25/2024 18:00 to 23:00 EST
- Production Deployment of 14.0.0 - 10/10/2024 18:00 to 10/11/24 06:00 EST
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 10/23/2024 18:00 to 23:00 EST
- Production full outage Oracle Patching - 10/30/2024 18:00 to 23:00 EST
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 11/20/2024 18:00 to 23:00 EST
- Production Deployment of 14.1.0 - 12/05/2024 18:00 to 12/06/24 06:00 EST
- Production full outage RHEL OS Patching - 12/18/2024 18:00 to 23:00 EST
Sub-System of DISS
Case Adjudication Tracking System (CATS) performs electronic and human adjudication functions, automating record-keeping for security clearances, HSPD-12, military fitness, and suitability determinations.
Joint Verification System (JVS) enables DoD professionals to document security clearance access and verify eligibility determinations.
Appeals supports the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) and the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) with completing due process for subjects appealing adjudicative determinations.
NBIS/DISS Training Resources are available on STEPP
DISS training resources are no longer available on the Security Awareness Hub.
Once registered and logged into STEPP, users will be directed to the STEPP homepage.
From there, users should select the Training drop-down and click on NBIS/DISS.
There is an option to select the tour located in the middle of the webpage, which provides a guided walkthrough of the training resources available.
Training materials include job aids, knowledge articles, e-learnings, and video shorts. New training content and registration for upcoming live events are added regularly.
DISS Release 13.24.0 Announcement
As part of the ongoing rollout of user-focused improvements to the Defense Information System for Security (DISS), DCSA deployed Release 13.24.0 on Thursday June 27, 2024. This release provides system enhancements and fixes. See the Release Notes, About Tabs, and User Manuals for all enhancements and fixes and more information regarding them. Some highlights are:
Joint Verification System (JVS):
The Security Management Office (SMO) will receive notification when affiliated organizations Facility Clearance Level (FCL) status updates to or from Terminated.
Added the SMO Name column to the Notification Report.
Incident tab will display the submitters most recent email address.
The JVS User Manual is available within the JVS application. Once logged into JVS, select the Help link and you will be redirected to the JVS User Manual.
Case Adjudication Tracking System (CATS):
Added suffix and comments fields for Add Foreign Contact or Relative
CSR Create Case panel updated for CSR Reciprocity, CSR Reconsideration, and CSR Upgrade Eligibility
Case Status of Human Interim added to Unassigned Case Report
TS/SCI case types are associated with and can be selected for SBPR and PPR investigation types
SMO user comments display on CSR Interim SCI Eligibility
- The CATS User Manual is available within the CATS application. Once logged into CATS, select the Help link and you will be redirected to the CATS User Manual.
Contact Us
Customer Engagements Team (CET) Support for DISS: 878-274-1765 or dcsa.ncr.nbis.mbx.contact-center@mail.mil or you can submit a ticket to DCSA via ESD: https://esd.dcsa.mil/