Central Verification System (CVS)

Before requesting an investigation, agencies should check the Central Verification System (CVS) to determine if there is an existing adjudication or investigation that meets the current need. CVS is designated as the primary tool for facilitating reciprocal decisions, as required by Executive Orders, regulations, and policies. CVS contains information on security clearance, suitability, fitness, and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentialing determinations. This information is provided by agency sources, NBIB legacy systems and a bridge to the Department of Defense Joint Personnel Adjudication System. More information about CVS, including the CVS user manual, various task aids, and forms is available on the NP2 Secure Portal.

Please view the Investigative Systems Training page for CVS training information.

Access Requirements

Account must be requested by your agency's authorized account requestor on the INV 70B form. Individual requesting access must have a completed Tier 2 or higher investigation with a favorable adjudication. See INV 70B below for interim access requirements. Individuals requesting access must be a U.S. Citizen. Individuals requesting access must already have an NP2 Portal account.

Agency INV 70B Processing Checklist