National Industrial Security System (NISS)

The National Industrial Security System (NISS) deployed on Oct. 1, 2018, replacing Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD) and Electronic Facilities Clearance System (e-FCL), and is the DCSA System of Record for industrial security oversight accessible by Industry, Government, and DCSA personnel.

NISS can be accessed through the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Central Access Information Security System (NCAISS) here.
For information about registration, training, capabilities, and other details please review the sections below.
If you encounter any issues with the system , please contact the Knowledge Center at: 888-282-7682, options 2 and then 2.

NISS 2.5 Incorporates Changes to Reporting Change Conditions

NISS v2.6.2 adds Mass Notification Functionality.

NISS v2.6.2 Release updates went into effect on May 1, 2023, and introduce the ability for DCSA personnel to send Mass Notifications, which allow quick and secure sharing of information up to the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) level with our Industry and Government partners. It also allows Industry users to view Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) System information on their Facility Profile.

NISS is DCSA’s information system architecture and provides an on-demand, data-driven environment with automated workflows accessible to our Industry and Government partners.

It was developed and released in increments, allowing users to utilize new functionality and features as quickly as possible. In addition to replacing and expanding upon the capabilities of the legacy systems, ISFD and e-FCL, it provides expanded access and transparency to security professionals’ facility information.

NISS was developed in-line with Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) requirements to maximize value while minimizing costs. As part of this process, DCSA conducted Business Process Reengineering (BPR) of 22 core agency functions to create streamlined and efficient workflows. The BPR efforts engaged over 300 DCSA, Industry, and Government stakeholders to generate true system requirements tied to optimized business processes.

NISS is a top DCSA priority and has modernized the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Information Environment to provide U.S. Government and Industry stakeholders with a data-driven, collaborative, integrated capability to assess and mitigate risk.

NISS requires Two Factor Authentication (2FA) by using a CAC/PKI/ECA, etc. to log on.

Registration is two-fold:

1.  Users must first obtain a National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Central Access Information Security System (NCAISS) account. For information about registering for an NCAISS account, click here.

2.  Users will then be able to request access to NISS, which is done within NCAISS. Once the user logs in to NCAISS, they must select the “Request/Modify Access” icon.

  Instructions on how to register for a NISS account can be viewed here:

For instructions on how to update your name or email address associated with your NCAISS account, click here to access the instruction guide.

The following user roles will be available for External users (multiple roles are authorized if required for job duties):

Facility Clearance Verifiers

  • Facility Clearance Verifier – Government Contracting Activity (GCA)
  • Facility Clearance Verifier – Other Government Activity (OGA)
  • Facility Clearance Verifier – Industry

Facility Clearance Sponsors

  • Sponsor – Government Contracting Activity (GCA)
  • Sponsor – Industry

Industry Security Staff

  • Corporate Security Officer
  • Facility Security Officer (FSO)
  • Assistant Facility Security Officer (AFSO)
  • Other Security Staff

Key Management Personnel (KMP)

  • Single location for stakeholders to review FCL information, requests, communications, documentation, and results with DCSA

  • Streamlined business processes, including FCL processing

  • Increased transparency for Industry and Government stakeholders

  • Expedited performance against classified contracts

  • Enhanced FOCI mitigation processing

  • Improved processing of Information System (IS) approvals

  • Task monitoring and ability to view real-time facility data

  • Dashboard feature

  • Reporting features and capabilities

  • Secure messaging feature

  • Automatic notifications and alerts/reminders

  • Facility Security History views

  • Role-based access to information

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Capabilities (NCAISS)

The National Industrial Security System (NISS) External User Training is now available!

Training job aids and videos are available for Industry and Government users within the NISS application’s Knowledge Base. Examples include: How to Submit a Sponsorship Request, How to Submit a Facility Verification Request, How to Message my ISR, and Facility Profile Update Request. In addition, useres may also view monthly Voice of Industry newsletters (VOI's), which provide recent agency updates, and security education.