Investigative Systems Training

Investigative Systems Training

DCSA Communications and Customer Service, System Liaison provides DCSA customer agencies with training on systems that facilitate the background investigations process. This site lists our current training. We are currently only offering virtual classes due to COVID-19. We will update this site with in-person classes when they are available again. Please choose the class below to see the dates and times of current offerings.

The Central Verification System (CVS) contains information on background investigations, credentialing determinations, suitability determinations, and security clearances. This course is designed for individuals who are new to using CVS and whose duties may include, but are not limited to, making reciprocity determinations and sharing/entering data through CVS in support of reciprocity. This class will also cover other functions found in CVS such as how to submit Special Agreement Checks via CVS, view current items and statuses in open or closed cases submitted by your specific Security Office, and how to enter adjudications, clearances, and HSPD-12 records. Note this will only cover how to enter them in the system, not review how or why the adjudicative decision was made.

Upon completion of the course, attendees will be able to:

  • State the purpose of the CVS

  • Identify and find the information in CVS required to make reciprocity determinations to include:

    • Investigations

    • Adjudications

    • Clearances

    • Continuous Evaluation Enrollment

  • Identify CVS user responsibilities

  • Identify CVS Logon procedures

  • Add/update subject record

  • Add/update clearance/access information

  • Add/update Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) data

  • Enter/report adjudications to CVS

  • View the Case Assignment Tracking Screen (CATS)

  • Submit specific Special Agreement Checks (SACS) electronically


Currently virtual via Webex or Microsoft Teams, links for the training will be provided to those enrolled in the class. Webex and Microsoft Teams may work best off of your agency’s network so once the link to the class login is provided, please be prepared to use this link on a personal computer or from a work computer that is not logged into your network via VPN. This is just a suggestion as some agency networks allow use of Webex and Microsoft Teams and some do not.


There are no prerequisites for this course.



Class Schedule Time

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Tuesday, September 17, 2024


To sign up for this training, please fill out this registration form and email it to Do not forget to indicate which training dates you prefer on your registration form.

Position designation assesses duties and responsibilities of a position to determine the potential damage resulting from the misconduct of an individual occupying the position. Designating positions using the Position Designation Automated Tool (PDT) determines the level of investigative vetting required for a position. Proper position designation is the foundation for an effective and consistent suitability and personnel security program. Parts 1400 and 731 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations establish the requirements for designating the risk and sensitivity of positions covered by those regulations. This half-day training course is intended for individuals involved in assessing risk and sensitivity to determine the appropriate investigative requirements of the position.

Upon completion of the course, attendees will:

  • Identify the regulatory guidance requiring position designations

  • Recognize the criteria used to render an appropriate position designation

  • Recognize position duty examples that might impact risk and sensitivity designations

  • Use the PDT to designate positions


Currently virtual via Webex or Microsoft Teams, links for the training will be provided to those enrolled in the class. Webex and Microsoft Teams may work best off of your agency’s network so once the link to the class login is provided please be prepared to use this link on a personal computer or from a work computer that is not logged into your network via VPN. This is just a suggestion as some agency networks allow use of Webex and Microsoft Teams and some do not.


There are no prerequisites for this course.



Class Schedule Time

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Monday, June 10, 2024
Monday, July 15, 2024
Monday, August 5, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024


To sign up for this training, please fill out this registration form and email it to Do not forget to indicate which training dates you prefer on your registration form.