Order Form
The Order Form (previously known as the AUB), is the group of fields needed to complete the Agency Request. In NBIS, the Order Form in used in the Initiation, Review, and Authorize phases.
FIPC Codes (Optional field)
Enter up to five Federal Investigations Processing Center (FIPC) codes. See a complete list of FIPC codes on the Extra Coverage and FIPC Codes page. Codes specific to fingerprinting are also listed in the Fingerprints section.
Extra Coverage Codes (Optional field)
Enter up to eight codes in no specific order to obtain required extra coverage as described in the latest billing guidance (link to billing extra coverage listing). Extra coverage codes are used to request information or processing beyond the normal scope of the investigation. Agencies must request extra coverage when additional information is needed to help determine a person’s qualifications, suitability, or security for a particular position. Certain codes require an agreement with DCSA, and some incur additional fees, as explained in the Extra Coverage Code Tables (link to Extra Coverage tab).
Sensitivity/Risk Level (Required field)
Information regarding designation of the risk and sensitivity level of a position is found in 5 CFR 731, Suitability, and in 5 CFR 1400, National Security. Refer to the Position Designation Tool, available at https://pdt.nbis.mil/ to determine the proper risk and sensitivity level for a specific position. Refer to the “Case Types and Forms” table for guidance regarding the appropriate investigation for the Sensitivity and Risk level of a position.
Code Level:
1 – Low Risk
2 – Noncritical-Sensitive
3 – Critical-Sensitive
4 – Special-Sensitive
5 – Moderate Risk
6 – High Risk
Compu / ADP (Optional check box)
Note: The Compu/ADP block is no longer required. Positions that include computer/ADP duties and responsibilities are designated using the Position Designation System and investigated according to the risk/sensitivity level of the position.
Access/Eligibility (Required field)
Enter the code representing the security clearance eligibility/access that is required for the position.
Code Level:
0 – Not required
1 – Confidential
2 – Secret
3 – Top Secret
4 – Sensitive Compartmented Information
5 – Q Clearance Sensitive
7 – L
8 – Other (Specify clearance level in comment block or in an attached document.) (If in attachment, enter “7” in Extra Coverage block B.)
Note: If the situation involves multiple clearance/access levels, the highest level required for the individual should be chosen from the drop-down menu.
Nature of Action (Optional field)
If the individual being investigated is a Federal employee or applicant, enter the same three-digit code used on the SF 52 or SF 50, to show the Nature of Action taken or to be taken for the position requiring the investigation. If the individual being investigated is a contractor, enter CON or if military, enter MIL. There are specific document requirements for different categories of individuals (Federal employees, contractors, military), although this field is optional it is important to use applicable codes when possible. If the individual is being reinvestigated, leave this block blank.
For reinvestigations or adding access to a current position when no personnel actions have been taken, leave both the Nature of Action and Date of Action fields blank.
For investigations required because of re-designating a position in accordance with 5 CFR, part 1400, enter RDZ in the Nature of Action field and leave the Date of Action field blank.
Date of Action (Optional field)
Enter the effective date of the action requiring the investigation. If the action has not been taken, leave the block blank.
For reinvestigations or adding access to a current position when no personnel actions have been taken, leave both the Nature of Action and Date of Action fields blank.
For investigations required because of re-designating a position in accordance with 5 CFR, part 1400, enter RDZ in the Nature of Action field and leave the Date of Action field blank.
Geographic Location (Optional field)
Enter the nine-digit Worldwide Geographic Location Code, showing the actual location or duty station for the position. If unknown, leave the block blank.
The Location Code is an OPM Central Personnel Data File (CPDF) requirement that must be entered on the SF 52 or SF 50 for certain personnel actions. This code can be located in the General Services Administration (GSA) Publication dated April 1987, or on the GSA website.
Position Code (Optional field)
Choose the appropriate code letter from the list below. If none applies, leave the block blank. Contact DCSA at 878-274-1171 (option 2, then option 3 for e-QIP) for information about additional codes available by special agreement with DCSA.
A – Congressional Staff
B – Investigator
C – Astronaut
E – White House
F – SES/GS-15 (or equivalent)
G – Special or Confidential Assistant (GS-13 and above)
H – Child Care Provider (For child care investigations only)
Position Title (Required field)
Enter the title of the position for which the investigation is requested. If the person being investigated is a contractor employee, enter either the person's position with the contractor company, or CONTRACTOR.
Submitting Office Number (SON) (Required field)
Enter the four-character SON; if the Security Office is the Submitting Office, enter the SOI. To obtain an SON, complete the PIPS 12 form and forward it to DCSA as instructed on the form.
Location of Official Personnel Folder (Required field)
Fill out the address information if selecting “Other” from the dropdown menu. There are four options, select only one:
None: If individual has never been a Federal employee or is a contractor
NPRC: If the OPF is at the National Personnel Records Center (former Federal employee with break in service)
At SON: If the OPF is at the SON (block J)
Other: If the OPF is at some other location, provide agency name and complete address
Security Office Identifier (SOI) (Required field)
Enter the four-character SOI. Submitting Offices should contact the Security Office for the correct SOI.
To obtain an SOI, complete the PIPS 11 form (PDF file) [354.41 KB] and forward it to DCSA as instructed on the form.
Location of Security Folder (Required field)
Fill out the address information if selecting “Other” from the dropdown menu. There are four options, select only one:
None: If there is no security file at the agency
At SOI: If the security file is at the SOI address and contains pertinent information on the individual that should be reviewed by an investigator
NPI: If the security file is at the SOI address and contains no pertinent information
Other: If the security file is at a location other than the SOI address and the Federal security file should be reviewed by an investigator, check "other." Report the complete address in the space provided for “other address.”
NOTE: This field should not be used to request reviews of security files, Federal or otherwise, maintained by agencies other than the SOI.
IPAC-ALC Number (Required field)
The Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) Agency Location Code (ALC) is assigned to your agency by the U.S. Department of Treasury. The IPAC System provides a standardized interagency fund transfer mechanism for Federal Program Agencies (FPAs). IPAC facilitates the intra-governmental transfer of funds, with descriptive data from one FPA to another.
This code is required for all investigation requests. The code IPAC is also commonly referred to as the ALC. For DCSA customers that will not make payments to DCSA within the IPAC system a DCSA designated agency code will be provided for use within this field.
Obligating Document Number (ODN)(Required field)
The ODN is identified within the financial agreement process and is used to fund, bill and collect for requested services. For additional details pertaining to proper ODN identification and associated requirements please see the Billing Rates and Resources Page at https://www.dcsa.mil/Personnel-Security/Billing-Rates-Resources/. If your agency needs additional information or assistance with the ODN, please contact Billing Oversight at 878-274-5081 (phone split option 2) or dcsa.quantico.dcsa-hq.mbx.ocfo-billing-support@mail.mil.
Treasury Account Symbol(TAS)(Optional field)
The TAS is a financial code, assigned by the Department of the Treasury that identifies the agency, the period of availability of funds, and a specific fund account. The TAS is recorded on the certified funding document or G-invoicing order and if populated within the AUB will ensure proper alignment to the certified funding document. If your agency needs additional information or assistance with the TAS, please contact Billing Oversight at 878-274-5081 (phone split option 2) or dcsa.quantico.dcsa-hq.mbx.ocfo-billing-support@mail.mil.
Business Event Type Code (BETC) (Optional field)
If your agency needs additional information or assistance with the BETC, please contact Billing Oversight at 878-274-5081 (phone split option 2) or dcsa.quantico.dcsa-hq.mbx.ocfo-billing-support@mail.mil.
This can be up to an eight-digit alphanumeric code that indicates the type of activity being reported (payments, collections, etc). Some agencies are using DISB if receiving services and COLL if performing services. BETC determines the transaction effect on the Treasury Account Symbol’s Fund Balance with Treasury. BETC replaces transaction codes and subclasses, but at a more detailed level.
Accounting Data and/or Agency Case Number (Optional field)
The accounting data field in the Financial Details tab of the Order Form is an optional field (25 character limit) that can be populated on the standard form. This block can be used by the requesting agency to note any information that the agency needs for its own internal processes, such as an internal case number or any other specific agency identifier. This field will appear on your monthly invoice and can be useful for internal invoice reconciliation.
Investigative Requirement (Required field)
There are two options, select only one:
NOTE: The selection of the "initial" or "reinvestigation" check box must align with the type of investigation requested. Do not request an initial investigation type (i.e. Tier 3) and then select the reinvestigation check box. This will delay the scheduling of your investigation.
Special Instructions for ISP (Optional field)
If the agency has any special handling instructions for the investigation being requested, they are to be completed in this section.
Application Affiliation (Required field)
Enter the affiliation of the position for which the investigation is being requested. There are four options. Select one from the drop-down menu:
FED CIV: Federal Civilian position
MIL: Military position
CON: Contractor position
Other: Positions not designated as Federal civilian, military, or contractor
Deployment/PCS (Optional field)
Use this field if the individual being investigated will be deployed or assigned overseas during the processing of the individual’s background investigation. In addition, the DCSA recommends agencies reach out to the Catch’ em in CONUS team.
The purpose of the Catch’em in CONUS program is to complete an interview for a subject that is going to deploy or a subject that has been deployed but will be stateside on leave for a limited time and requires an interview. The DCSA makes every effort to interview the subject while he/she is stateside; however, we cannot guarantee anything.
Over the years, the DCSA has noticed that if we receive notification too far in advance, numerous events can affect our success in interviewing your employee. These events include; change in availability, trip cancelled or postponed, change in R/R location or the CAF grants eligibility. Please send availability information no more than 30-45 days from subject’s arrival in the States.
Please send the following information when submitting to dcsa.boyers.bi.mbx.catch-em-in-conus-team@mail.mil.
Subject’s Name
Case #
Start date and end date of subject's stateside availability
Stateside / Leave Location (full address)
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Subject’s Email Address
POC / FSO Name & Phone
Any additional pertinent information for contacting the subject
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) (Optional field)
A CAGE code is a unique 5 character identifier for entities doing, or wishing to do business, with the Federal Government. The format and character position of the code may vary based on country.
Contracting Number (Optional field)
The Contracting Number is limited to 50 alphanumeric characters.