Background Investigations for Security & HR Professionals

While DCSA conducts background investigations to vet personnel, the process starts and ends with our partner agencies. Security officers and HR professionals start by collecting required forms from the subject. Adjudicators complete the process by adjudicating the completed investigation.
Along the way, personnel security professionals will use a wide range of tools and information. Explore resources to help submit, adjudicate, and report information to government-wide systems.

Background Investigations Resources

If you’d like to start a background investigation, you’ll need to use our automated system, National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) electronic application (eApp). NBIS eApp allows users to enter, update and transmit their personal investigative data over a secure internet connection to an Investigative Service Provider (ISP).

Starting a Background Investigation

Determine what level of background investigation is needed for a position
Submit a background investigation request with NBIS

Getting Help With an Existing Investigation

Get the status of a pending investigation, adjudication, or clearance
Request background investigation files
Understand record use, retention, and dissemination

Submitting Fingerprints

Submit fingerprints via the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT)
Submit fingerprints on a hardcopy SF 87 or FD 258

Managing Investigations Through NBIS

NBIS overview, information and resources
NBIS news and updates

More Help and Resources

Obtain a facility security clearance
Reporting information into the Central Verification System
Submit a reconsideration request
Review terms and definitions

Need more help? Contact us to get answers to your questions on background investigations, adjudications, or clearances.