Security Review Proceedings FAQ

1. What are Personnel Security Review Proceedings (formerly known as Due Process and Appeals)?

Personnel Security Review Proceedings are an established administrative process designed to ensure the fair and impartial adjudication of facts and circumstances when an unfavorable national security eligibility determination is being considered.

2. Why is the process changing?

In April 2023, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (USD(I&S)) issued a mandate that requires DCSA to implement reforms to existing security review proceedings for rendering unfavorable determinations regarding an individual’s eligibility for access to classified information or to occupy a national security position.

3. What is DCSA’s new role in Personnel Security Review Proceedings?

Effective December 8, 2024, DCSA will begin its implementation of the new security review proceedings for due process and appeals reforms as directed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security. The reforms change the current due process and appeals process for military servicemembers, Federal government civilian employees, and contractor personnel whose eligibility for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) is adjudicated by DCSA. Cleared contractor personnel who are adjudicated for collateral access eligibility (Confidential, Secret, Top Secret), are not affected.

4. Under the new process, individuals can now request a virtual Personal Appearance in addition to providing a written response before denial or revocation of an individual’s security clearance. How and with whom will that be conducted?

All letters of intent will include a point of contact to answer procedural questions, including information for scheduling a virtual personal appearance. If a personal appearance is elected in addition to submission of a written response, DCSA will conduct the personal appearance.

5. What is a Personal Appearance and how will it be conducted?

The personal appearance is held in a virtual format. It is not a trial proceeding; nor is it adversarial in nature. The personal appearance affords an opportunity for individuals to present oral and documentary information, in addition to their written response, before a decision is made regarding security clearance denial or revocation or to occupy a national security position.

6. Under the new process, who will conduct the virtual Personal Appearance?

A Senior Adjudicator from DCSA will virtually conduct the personal appearance, which will inform the final adjudicative determination. To support that decision, the Senior Adjudicator will gather information from the individual to gain additional context and understanding pertaining to the individual’s written response.

7. Can an individual bring legal counsel to the Personal Appearance?

Yes – the individual is permitted to bring legal counsel to the virtual personal appearance, at the individual’s own cost. Legal council may provide advice and guidance to the individual. The individual is primarily and ultimately responsible for any oral presentation and for answering the Senior Adjudicator’s questions during the personal appearance.

8. Do I have to elect a virtual Personal Appearance?

No, individuals are not required to elect a virtual personal appearance; it is optional. Individuals may choose to respond in writing only or choose not to provide a response at all.

9. What if during the virtual Personal Appearance an element is discussed in which additional documentation is required, will I be able to obtain any requested or additional information?

If the Senior Adjudicator determines that additional documentary evidence is needed to supplement the record after conclusion of the virtual personal appearance, then individuals will be forwarded a supplemental information request with a 30-day suspense to provide that information.

10. Will DCSA be ready on December 8th?

DCSA will be ready to implement the new process beginning December 8, 2024. DCSA has been planning to execute reforms to our security review proceedings over the last year. It is expected that the virtual personal appearance option will be a slow ramp-up as individuals submit requests.

11. What if I am a contractor whose SCI is adjudicated by DCSA? How I will be notified?

The new process does not require a change to how cleared contractor personnel receive notification. Accordingly, contractor personnel requiring a SCI eligibility decision will continue to receive notification just as they do today.

12. How will I find instructions or know what to do?

DCSA will provide additional information for individuals and security offices to explain the revised process through direct outreach to security managers, both in government and industry. DCSA will continue to post additional information on