
Agency News

Jan. 7, 2019

Reposting of "Implementation of Interim Backlog Mitigation Measures for Entities Cleared by DoD under the National Industrial Security Program" due to an incorrect email in original posting

Oct. 24, 2018 - In early June 2018, the Director of National Intelligence, in his capacity as the Security Executive Agent, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in his capacity as the Suitability & Credentialing Executive Agent (Executive Agents), jointly issued a memorandum directing the implementation of interim measures intended to mitigate the existing backlog of personnel security investigations at the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB). These measures include the deferment of reinvestigations when screening results are favorable and mitigation activities are in place, as directed. In accordance with the guidance and direction received from the Executive Agents, Defense Security Service (DSS) will adopt procedures to defer the submission of Tier 3 Reinvestigations (T3Rs) and Tier 5 Reinvestigations (T5Rs) for entities cleared under the National Industrial Security Program. Facility Security Officers should continue to submit completed Standard Form 86 and the reinvestigation request, six years from the date of last investigation for the T5Rs and 10 years from the date of the last reinvestigation for the T3Rs. New reinvestigation requests will be screened by DSS using a risk management approach that permits deferment of reinvestigations according to policy. If the determination is made to defer reinvestigations, individuals will be immediately enrolled into the DoD Continuous Evaluation (CE)/Continuous Vetting (CV) capabilities, as required. The Executive Agents have directed all Federal departments and agencies to reciprocally accept the prior favorable adjudication for deferred reinvestigations that are out of scope (overdue). Existing eligibility remains valid until the individual is removed from CE, no longer has any DoD affiliation, or has their eligibility revoked or suspended. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence signed a memorandum on December 7, 2016, reminding DoD Components that personnel security clearances do not expire. Individuals with current eligibility in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), or its successor, should not be denied access based on an out-of-scope investigation. That memorandum is provided here for ease of reference. If you encounter any challenges with this process, please email for assistance. These procedures will remain in effect until further notice. More information is available in the linked frequently asked questions.