
Agency News

May 6, 2022

Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service Computer Based Training

The National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Authorization Office (NAO) is pleased to announce that the Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) Computer Based Training (CBT), Course DISA100.06, is now available on the Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) Security Training, Education, and Professionalization Portal (STEPP) ( Industry users can now complete this NISP eMASS account prerequisite on the CDSE STEPP site. This capability enables ease of access for our industry partners. For more information on obtaining a NISP eMASS, please reference the NISP eMASS User Account Request guide located here: Please contact the DCSA NAO eMASS Team,, with any questions.

May 6, 2022

NBIS guidance: Industry personnel in DISS SMOs

Accurate and streamlined data migration from legacy systems to the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) system is critical to minimize mission impact. The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) continues Data Quality Initiatives (DQIs) to ensure accurate data is transitioned from the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) data prior to the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) system transition. To prepare for data migration, DCSA recommends Industry Facility Security Officers (FSO) verify that all employees with clearance eligibility are listed within associated DISS Security Management Offices (SMOs) prior to transition to NBIS. It is requested that Industry Partners continue to properly manage their employee populations in DISS as this will aid with data migration and transition to NBIS. For more details on SMO consolidation, refer to the DISS to NBIS Industry Hierarchy Preparation Guidance available on the NBIS Industry Onboarding website,

May 4, 2022

Mental Health and your Security Clearance Eligibility

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about mental health, which is an important part of a person's overall health. Behavioral mental health treatment is not an automatic disqualifier for a security clearance. DCSA Adjudications looked at the 5.4 million adjudicative actions taken between 2012-2020, and found that 97,000 cases dealt with psychological-related issues. Of those cases, only 62 were denied or revoked for psychological concerns, which equates to 0.00115% of the total adjudicative actions. DCSA Adjudications is working to raise awareness that seeking mental health services does not affect one’s ability to gain or hold clearance eligibility. Get more information in the DCSA Adjudications "Mental Health and Security Clearances" fact sheet at:, or by watching the Center for Development of Security Excellence-hosted webinar, "Mental Health and Your Security Clearance Eligibility," at:

March 25, 2022

Looking for DCSA Adjudications Information and Resources

Check out our latest resource on SCI Eligibility Process for Denials and Revocations located on the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency website at The SCI one-pager provides steps to assist the facility security officer or security manager when SCI is denied or revoked for cleared industry personnel. In addition, we offer a robust section of Frequently Asked Questions on 'Who issues a security clearance' to 'How does the CAF determine if an individual can be granted eligibility for access to classified information and/or assignment to duties that have been designated national security sensitive' located at We also have a variety of Adjudications communication products to include DCSA Adjudications Services, Reciprocity Guide and Program one pagers, and fact sheets covering Mental Health and Security Clearances. These informational documents are for your convenience and can easily be downloaded and printed at

March 17, 2022

Transitioning industry hierarchy data from DISS to NBIS

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) will begin to transition Industry hierarchy data from the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) to the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) system on April 1, 2022. As part of this data migration, DCSA will move information from the National Industrial Security System (NISS)—the authoritative source for facility clearances, and DISS—the personnel security system of record and source of hierarchy used to manage personnel security programs. To prepare the NBIS data transition, DCSA recommends Industry partners who hold facility clearances to review DISS Security Management Offices (SMO), and determine if SMOs need consolidation into one SMO per CAGE code, to align with the cleared facility in NISS by March 31, 2022. For more information and tips on how to prepare, please visit the Industry Onboarding ( website to review the DISS TO NBIS Industry Hierarchy Preparation Guidance.

March 4, 2022

DCSA oversight of NISPOM Rule’s SEAD 3 requirements began March 1

Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DSCA) Industrial Security Representatives (ISRs) began incorporating the assessment of compliance with Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3 reporting requirements into scheduled security reviews, DCSA announced on March 1.

Feb. 8, 2022

New CUI resources available

The DCSA CUI Program Office has posted several new resources to support Industry in developing its CUI programs. These products include a Roadmap to Compliance, SPP template, sample training presentation, self-inspection tool, and more. These resources, details about DCSA's CUI implementation, and more useful information can be found at:

Jan. 18, 2022

Industry enrollment in Continuous Vetting

The Vetting Risk Operations continues to lead the effort to ensure the Industry national security population is enrolled in a compliant Continuous Vetting (CV) program. Click title for more information.

Jan. 3, 2022

DCSA announces new Deputy Director

Today, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) announced the selection of Daniel J. Lecce as Deputy Director effective January 18, 2022. As Deputy Director, Mr. Lecce will be the principal advisor to the Director. He will assist in shaping policies, managing resources, and leading operational activities to accomplish the Agency’s mission. Mr. Lecce is a tested executive with significant experience leading large and complex organizations. He has experience driving strategic change and posturing organizations to achieve goals and meet future demands. He is a leader who also brings extensive experience managing personnel, budgets, and information technology requirements, top priorities for DCSA. Mr. Lecce is a retired Marine Corps Major General with decades of leadership experience in a variety of roles. Most recently he served as staff judge advocate and senior legal advisor to the Commandant of the Marine Corps. In this role, he provided legal advice to the Commandant and key staff on strategic issues that are relevant to DCSA’s mission: cyber law, intelligence-operations law and intelligence oversight. His proven record and demonstrated leadership skills make him ideally suited to help lead DCSA’s transformation into the future. Mr. Lecce was selected after an extensive process that included a call for nominations from across the security enterprise and intelligence community, throughout DOD, across all interagency partners, and the entire defense industrial base.

Dec. 22, 2021

New NISP eMASS System Security Plan Submission Instructions

The customized workflows within the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) instance of the Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) have Industry primarily conducting actions in the Control Approval Chain (CAC) and owning a very limited role in the Package Approval Chain (PAC) for Assessment and Authorization (A&A) actions. In order to maximize Industry’s visibility into the A&A process, the NISP eMASS PAC workflows are being modified. Click title for more information