
Agency News

Nov. 23, 2022

NBIS Onboarding Starts in the Western Region

On November 22nd, National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) onboarding officially commenced for facilities located in the DCSA Western Region. Notification and instructions were provided via email to those identified as Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Account and Hierarchy Managers in order to begin the onboarding process into NBIS. Click the title for more information.

Nov. 23, 2022

Upcoming NBIS Training Webinars

Please be aware that the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team will introduce the following training webinars to be available in December 2022/January 2023, which will include live and recorded sessions. Click the title for more information.

Nov. 3, 2022

Understanding the threat to U.S. technologies

The foreign intelligence threat to the nation's defense industrial base has never been more capable, sophisticated, or complex. Adversaries use illicit methods to acquire classified and sensitive information and technologies, which can determine the outcome of future conflicts. Mitigating these threats starts with understanding them. Read the latest edition of "The Targeting U.S. Technologies: A Report of Threats to Cleared Industry" to learn more about the threats facing the cleared defense industrial base. You'll find the 2022 edition here: Please click the title for more information.

Oct. 26, 2022

Request for DISS Account and Hierarchy Managers

To ensure accurate and up-to-date information, we are asking Industry users with Hierarchy Manager and Account Manager roles in DISS to validate their contact information is current.  Hierarchy and Account Managers can do so by clicking on the “My User Detail” link found under the “User Management” menu option on the left hand side of the screen after logging in.  From there, “User Information” will appear and you can validate, and if needed update, your business phone and email.  If changes are needed, be sure to click the “Save” button in “User Information” once they are made. If you are unable to update your contact information in DISS for any reason, please submit a ticket by calling the Customer Engagements Team (CET) at 724-794-7765 or sending an email to As always, for additional information and updates on NBIS Industry Onboarding, please visit the NBIS Industry Onboarding website. Please click the title for more information.

Oct. 26, 2022

2022 NBIS Industry Conference Recap

A special thanks to the approximately 1,500 personnel security leaders and managers that attended the 2022 NBIS Industry Conference in-person and virtually to discuss industry’s transition into the new personnel security vetting system. The conference, held on October 18th, comprised DCSA briefings to industry security professionals on NBIS industry onboarding, NBIS capability and training for industry, NBIS Help Desk Support, and a panel discussion that included actions taken by NBIS resulting from industry feedback.  Further details about the conference can be found in the following news article (click here). For those that may have missed the event or are interested in learning additional details, slides from the conference are now available on the event main page.  Event videos and an FAQ addressing questions posed during the conference will also be made available on the main page ASAP. As always, for additional information and updates on NBIS Industry Onboarding, please visit the NBIS Industry Onboarding website. Please click the title for more information.

Sept. 14, 2022

Federal Investigations Notice 22-02

FIN 22-01 dated June 30, 2022 is rescinded and replaced by FIN 22-02. This new FIN revises final pricing for DCSA products and services for fiscal year (FY) 2023 and re-publishes FY 2024 price estimates originally announced in FIN 22-01.  As stated in FIN 22-01, the proposed rate adjustments were subject to DoD Comptroller final approval of DCSA’s FY 2023 and FY 2024 pricing. After extensive, close consultation with the DoD Comptroller’s office, we have decided that the anticipated price reductions for FY 2023 will not be implemented at this time, in order to insulate customers from unanticipated budget changes. The FY 2023 prices originally published in FIN 21-02, dated June 30, 2021, will remain in effect. The revised Federal Investigations Notice 22-02 is now available. Please click the title for more information.

Sept. 13, 2022

Introduction to NBIS eApp

The National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) system has launched the eApp program, to replace the functionality currently provided by e-QIP. In preparation for future transition from e-QIP to eApp, DCSA has created a promotional video which highlights the various aspects of eApp, and notes the differences between the two systems. Check out the intro video (60-sec.) and the complete NBIS eApp walkthru in the Resources tab at Click the title for more information.

Aug. 10, 2022

VRO provides supplemental guidance for Continuous Vetting

In an effort to ensure the cleared National Industrial Security Program (NISP) population is enrolled into a compliant Continuous Vetting (CV) program, Vetting Risk Operations provides supplemental guidance based on the June 27, 2022, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OSD) memorandum, “Department of Defense Guidance on Continuous Vetting and Other Measures to Expedite Reform and Transition to Trusted Workforce 2.0.” You can find the guidance here. Please click the title for more information.

Aug. 5, 2022

Cleared Contractor SEAD 3 Unofficial Foreign Travel Reporting

The Defense Information System for Security (DISS) reporting module for unofficial foreign travel and bulk upload capabilities is now available in DISS. Reporting requirements for unofficial foreign travel, as outlined in SEAD-3, were deferred until August 24, 2022 to ensure the completion of necessary DISS revisions for foreign travel reporting and to create a bulk-reporting capability. As a result the foreign travel reporting module was created and includes the “unofficial foreign travel bulk-upload tool” allowing facility security officers (FSOs) to consolidate the unofficial foreign travel of multiple contractor employees into a single DISS report submission. Prior to August 24, 2022, DCSA will provide guidance about using the new module and bulk-upload tool as well as a job aid helping FSOs navigate the unofficial foreign travel reporting process. Continue to check out the website for these resources and the latest guidance and tools.

July 29, 2022

NBIS Industry Onboarding Regional Strategy

In preparation for onboarding the initial Industry Org and User Managers into the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS), please review the below information to learn more about the onboarding strategy and how you will be notified to begin onboarding. NBIS onboarding for Industry will be incrementally rolled-out based on a facility's regional designation as identified in National Industrial Security System (NISS). Using this incremental approach allows for an orderly flow to the onboarding process for Industry organizations. Click the title for more information