
Agency News

Feb. 24, 2023

Industry: Hold on Subject Management Actions in NBIS

As Industry works through the onboarding and configuration processes in the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) system, the DCSA NBIS Industry Onboarding Team would like to remind users to refrain from taking any subject management actions in NBIS, to include creating a subject’s profile or initiating cases, until notification is provided that these actions can begin. DCSA is planning to migrate all subject information from the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) to NBIS at a later date (to be announced). Creating subjects prior to the migration effort could potentially create issues once migration from DISS to NBIS takes place, for instance, duplicate subject information. Until the migration takes place, organizations should concentrate their efforts on enrolling into NBIS and conducting the necessary validating and configuring actions to prepare for system functionality, the first of which will be case initiation. At this time, organizations should continue to use DISS for Case Initiation, Investigation Status, Visit Management, Subject Management, Eligibility Determinations, Incident Reporting, Access Management, Foreign Travel, etc. For other questions regarding the NBIS Industry Onboarding Process, please email the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team at the following mailbox: Click the title for more information.

Feb. 17, 2023

Now Available: Org and User Management and Assignment Management Configurations webinar slides and recording

For any National Background Investigation Services Industry Users that were not able to attend or would like to refresh or review, recordings and slide decks from the live Org and User Management and Assignment Management Configurations webinars that took place in December 2022/January 2023 are now available on the NBIS Training Site:  Once logged into the site, navigate to the "Industry Onboarding Resources" section and click "View Materials" to access the aforementioned webinar resources as well as other available webinar recordings. Be aware that the recordings and slides have not yet migrated to the Security Training, Education, and Professional Portal (STEPP) and ServiceNow.  In the interim, Industry users will want to access these on the NBIS Training Site. Note: Internal DOD users may not be able to access the Industry page on the NBIS Training Site due to firewall limitations. If you have questions, please email the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team at the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team mailbox:

Feb. 2, 2023

Renewal of DD 441, 441-1

In December 2022, the DD Form 441, Department of Defense Security Agreement, and DD Form 441-1, Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement, were renewed. Previously executed versions of this form do not need to be re-signed, but the updated version should be used going forward as of this date. The updated forms can be found here: DD Form 441 DD Form 441-1 Questions can be directed to your assigned Industrial Security Representative. Click the title for more information.

Jan. 31, 2023

Final FY 2024 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates now available

Federal Investigations Notice (FIN) 22-01, dated June 30, 2022, published DCSA’s initial, planned rates for Fiscal Year 2024.  By publishing the initial rates, it allowed DCSA customers to begin budgeting and planning their resource requirements for FY 2024.  Within FIN 22-01, it also noted that the final rates would be published in December 2022.  The final FY 2024 rates are now available and are posted in FIN 23-01, "Final FY 2024 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates," dated January 30, 2023. To develop the final FY 2024 rates, DCSA collaborated with the Security Clearance, Suitability/Fitness, and Credentialing community to evaluate policy, operational, and inflationary impacts on future personnel security costs since June 2022.  As a result of this thorough evaluation, followed by DoD Comptroller review and approval, DCSA lowered FY 2024 rates for tiered background investigation products by 18 percent and retained all other product and service rates published in FIN 22-01.  The 18 percent rate reduction is applied to new Trusted Workforce 2.0 tiered BI products as well as legacy tiered BI products in the event legacy products are still necessary for customers to order in FY 2024. You can find FIN 23-01 here. Please click the title for more information.

Jan. 31, 2023

PSI requirements for Industry data collection through NISS

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) is responsible for projecting Personnel Security Investigations (PSI) requirements each year. The data collection for PSI projection requirements will be conducted March 6 through March 31, 2023, through the National Industrial Security System (NISS) Submission Site. Annual projections acquired from Industry through this collection are the key components in DoD program planning and budgeting for NISP security clearances. In preparation for this upcoming data collection, our Industry partners are highly encouraged to register for their NISS accounts before March 6 in order to participate in the survey. Registration instructions are found on the NISS website under the Registration section ( For all other NISS questions, please contact the DCSA knowledge center at 888-282-7682 and select option 2, then option 2. We look forward to your participation. If you have any questions, please

Jan. 25, 2023

NBIS Industry Onboarding is now open for all organizations.

As of January 9, onboarding to the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) is now open for all organizations. The NBIS Industry Onboarding Team has supplied email notification to all Defense Information System for Security (DISS) industry Account and Hierarchy Managers that onboarding to NBIS has begun. However, if you are an Account and Hierarchy Manager, and you or your other organization team members which hold the aforementioned DISS roles have not received notification, please reach out via email to the Industry Onboarding Team at the mailbox provided below to receive the instructions and details on how to begin. Once onboarded, users should continue to utilize DISS for Case Initiation, Investigation Status, Visit Management, Subject Management, Eligibility Determinations, Incident Reporting, Access Management, and Foreign Travel, etc., until these functionalities are available in NBIS. Subject data has not yet migrated from DISS to NBIS. Notification will be provided when subject data has migrated and when case initiations can be started in NBIS. Do not create a subject’s profile or initiate cases until notification is received. For questions regarding the NBIS Onboarding Process email the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team at the NBIS Industry Onboarding Team mailbox:

Dec. 20, 2022

Register Now: NBIS Industry Onboarding Live Webinars

The DCSA NBIS Industry Onboarding Team invites Industry users to register for two upcoming Live Virtual Webinars on the following NBIS topics: Org and User Management (Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 1300 - 1500 Eastern) Purpose: Basic navigation steps within NBIS, organization management basics, applying minimum configurations needed for investigation requests, describing and demonstrating form routing, and managing users within your organization. Assignment Management Configurations (Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 1300 - 1500 Eastern) Purpose: How to create and apply optional configurations in NBIS to meet organizational needs, identifying optional configurations based on organizational functionality, understanding and applying assignment rules, and comprehending the use of both user assignment and order form templates. Registration is now open now through January 5th. For additional information and to register, please use the following link: All participants MUST register to receive an invite and further instructions. Capacity for both sessions is limited. For those unable to attend, recorded sessions will be made available at: For questions, please email: . Please click the title for more information

Dec. 20, 2022

Coming in January: NBIS Onboarding for All of Industry

NBIS onboarding officially commenced in November 2022 for industry facilities in the DCSA Western Region. Starting January 9th, all other Industry facilities in the remaining DCSA regions (Eastern, Central, Mid-Atlantic, as well as HQ) will be provided notification and instructions via email to DISS Account and Hierarchy Managers for organizations to begin the onboarding process into NBIS. Onboarding to NBIS is accomplished through the Industry Onboarding Portal (also known as NBIS ServiceNow). One user (known as the ‘Initial’ user) from each organization will onboard through the portal. Once provisioned and enrolled into NBIS, the initial user will be responsible for provisioning additional users within their organization. Please click the title for more information.

Nov. 29, 2022

Register Now: NBIS Industry Onboarding Live Webinars

The DCSA NBIS Industry Onboarding Team invites Industry users, particularly those from organizations that have been notified to start the NBIS onboarding process, to register for two Live Virtual Webinars on the following NBIS topics... Click the title for more information.

Nov. 23, 2022

NBIS Onboarding Starts in the Western Region

On November 22nd, National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) onboarding officially commenced for facilities located in the DCSA Western Region. Notification and instructions were provided via email to those identified as Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Account and Hierarchy Managers in order to begin the onboarding process into NBIS. Click the title for more information.